Wednesday, September 28, 2011

All New Territory!

 Recently, my husband started a new job in Franklin, TN. So he, our 3 kids, and myself, left San Antonio, TX to live on 15 acres in the town of Hampshire. Autumn Farm is the name we decided on for our home, because a simple number address just wasn't enough for our little place in the country. We live in a small, 3 bedroom "fixer upper is an understatement" home. Having moved from a 4 bedroom 3200 sq. foot home in a gated community to rural America has been a bit of a shock to this born and raised city girl. I often compare my life to the Green Acres television show.
  So many things have changed since moving. Eating out happens maybe once a week, not only due to the fact that just the nearest McDonalds is over 20 minutes away, but also because I prefer to cook now that I really have nothing else to do.  My cell phone is obsolete.  I have to drive 20 minutes into town to get a data connection, and I really only have 1 bar living on this hill! Cable? No. Satellite is the only option. High speed internet? No again. I have to cancel Netflix because it would take over an hour to download a "watch instantly" movie! We do have electricity and running city water, so I guess it's not all bad.
 I don't worry about having a clean vehicle anymore. I have a gravel driveway, so I pretty much have resigned to the fact that the inside and outside of my van will always be dirty.  I love shoes, but I think I may have to just invest in a really great, durable pair of work boots instead of fantastic looking heels. In fact, the entire family will be taking a trip this fall to the nearest Tractor Supply Company for boots to get us through the winter! I have NEVER set foot in a TSC, but I think it may be the next Target for me.
 The major issue for me since moving though is the bugs. I don't do bugs. Not even cute little red spotted lady bugs. So the first time I had to go up against a large spider, I had to take a swig of wine afterwards to calm myself. No kidding, it was him or me. The spider was above the front door in the living room and if I didn't take it out, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing it was creeping around my home. So, I grabbed the largest shoe I could find (my husband's, of course-I don't want spider guts on my shoes!) and took a good whack at it, just knocking it down, almost landing in my face. I got it the second time, but I will never forget the crunch it made on impact. I know, it's crazy, but I was shaking after that so what better excuse to have a drink of wine in the middle of the afternoon than to calm your nerves from a big spider kill?
Anyway, I have to admit I am pretty happy here. The people are real and friendly, the scenery beautiful, and the atmosphere quiet is relaxing. So, I hope to keep my friends and family up to date and entertained with the country life we have chosen. It's all new territory for me, but I think I will fit in fine, just minus the bib overalls and twangy accent.
Til next time y'all!